~ November 9, 20i7 ~

Fresh Raw Garlic for poultry

What it Does

Freshly crushed garlic releases the compound allicin, which is effective against bacteria, virus, molds, yeasts and other organisms.

How to Use It

When garlic is crushed, it releases allicin, which is a powerful antimicrobial. Crushed, raw garlic is best for use as an antimicrobial agent against bacteria, virus, and fungus and mold internally and externally. Allicin is very unstable , with most antibacterial activity disappearing after 24 hours. However, the allicin breakdown produces entirely new sulfide compounds that we recognize by their distinctive stinky smell. I teach chicks to eat garlic as soon as I introduce them to solid food. I add small amounts on top of their chick food and they readily eat it along with the other solid food. I supply one clove at at a time, about 2-3 times a week for the first 3 weeks. You can offer in a separate bowl once you are assured they have learned to eat it. It serves as an immune-system builder when fed twice a week for the first few weeks of age.

In adult birds, garlic can be offered raw whenever they appear "off". Any changes in eating and drinking, ruffled feathers, etc. Even if the behavior seems slight, that is the time to give a little boost even if they might shake it off with no help. My experience has shown me an application of 1 clove per quart (4 per gallon, etc) a good standard dose to use. As a rule of thumb, I use any herb until general health is achieved, or until symptoms are gone. Crush the cloves and put inside the waterer or you can crush and feed raw in a separate bowl free choice.

For a topical use for skin affected by parasites, particularly mites., a juice can be made. Blend 1:10 ratio garlic to water blended in a juicer or high speed blender. Let the juice sit for 3 days before application to reduce skin irritation. Apply until the skin is free of parasites and looks healthy.

Sources:Original Article, Susan Burek.
2018 Moonlight Mile Herb Farm, Copyright

Moonlight Mile Herb Farm © 2018 Susan Burek